激光战鹰队长:血龙第一季 -2023动漫卡通.美国Netflix
1发布于 2023-10-20 09:52
The year is 1992. The country formerly known as the U.S.A. is now called Eden, a technocracy ruled by propaganda and corruption. Super-soldi...
发布于 2023-10-20 09:52
The year is 1992. The country formerly known as the U.S.A. is now called Eden, a technocracy ruled by propaganda and corruption. Super-soldi...
发布于 2023-10-20 08:53
发布于 2023-10-20 00:48
《海盗旗升起》(非常)松散地改编自18世纪绅士海盗Stede Bonnet的真实冒险故事。在把看似美妙的绅士生活交换为惊心动魄的海盗生活后,Stede成为了复仇号海盗船的船长。Stede一直在努力赢得可能会叛变的船员的尊重,而在与臭名昭著的黑胡子船长发生一场决定性的冲突后,他的命...
发布于 2023-10-19 14:41
稀有书经销商阿波罗和他的妻子艾玛丶刚出生的儿子一直过着幸福的生活,唯一的问题是阿波罗经常做噩梦。有一天艾玛突然失踪,阿波罗去寻找她的旅程,以及这段旅程的结果,都十分引人入胜丶描绘动人。和拉维列早期的作品《银色的恶魔》(The Devil in Silver)丶《狂喜之人》(The...
发布于 2023-10-19 14:41
在拿到奥斯卡小金人后,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥沉寂了近一年。介于他手里握有大把将在2018年上映的项目,影迷今年在大银幕上看到他的机会也是微乎其微。小李超长的未来电影名单最近又加了一条,他将出演派拉蒙影业出品的历史犯罪题材影片《黑手》(The Black Hand)。影片根据来自纽约...
发布于 2023-10-18 22:09
Netflix宣布以20集首季预订Shion Takeuchi负责的动画剧《阴谋职场 Inside Job》,这部成人向动画是部影子政府下的职场喜剧,在这里由光明会到外星种族Reptoids都是千真万确的,而女主在这种境况下得掩饰好各种混乱。
发布于 2023-10-18 14:42
Five amazing, queer ghost hunters travel the nation to save the living by mending the dead. They will reveal the unseen and reveal untold ta...
发布于 2023-10-18 14:41
The aliens adapted. Humanity will too.The action-packed second season of “Invasion” picks up just months later with the aliens escalating th...
发布于 2023-10-18 00:42
In season 7, alliances are turned on their heads. Old wounds are weaponized. Loyalties are tested. Betrayal takes on epic proportions. Enemi...
发布于 2023-10-16 14:32